The Inheritance was recently reviewed and Marianne interviewed by Marilyn R. Wilson; Olio by Marilyn.


I don’t read a lot of historical fiction. This isn’t because I don’t love learning about different times, but because it is such a difficult genre to be really good at. Author Marianne Perry is one of those great exceptions. As a second general Canadian/Italian, her family’s ancestry has fueled a deep interest in Italy and she has followed that up with five visits to the country. She is also a serious lover of genealogy. Between the two, the author has managed to bring a true sense for the area and for what is was like to be a woman of means in this place and time.

Women role models are so important and offering a character who manages to live a life true to her desires at the turn of the century is a great read. In The Inheritance we find a young wife who must live her life in accordance with the dictates of her husband. Her control of her inheritance, her sons and the obligations she must fulfill are defined by his wishes. Yet she finds a way to honour and touch the lives of the servants and villagers that surround her. The closing pages do not offer us a Hollywood movie ending, it rings true to its times. BUT, it does open the door to several story lines that could prove interesting sequels.

Well written and a true eye-opener on how far women have come in terms of control over their lives, their future and their money. I can’t wait to read more by this author.